To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, concerning Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), following are indicated the data of the general information of the website listed The web site collects information on the activity conducted by Luciano Ortiz Navas.
Use of the website
The web site is provided for informational purposes. Casas Rurales Cómpeta may stop providing the services offered on this Web site, which will not produce any legal obligation in relation to the user or third parties.
The information collected by Casas Rurales Cómpeta from users through the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and from contact forms on this website are used exclusively for the attention of doubts and queries of corcerned parties.
Links to Third Parties
In case of links to third party sites, the user will then be governed by the Terms of Use and Rules of Privacy of the new site, accepting that Casas Rurales Cómpeta will  not be responsible or liable for the use of such sites.
Modifications of the Terms of Use and RULES of Privacy
Casas Rurales Cómpeta reserves the right to modify its Terms of Use and Rules of Privacy when deemed appropriate. The user is subject to the obligation to check the contents of these Terms of Use and Rules of Privacy, as they may be modified without notice. Also, he understands and accepts each and every single one of the clauses contained in the present document. It is the sole responsibility of the user to review the above terms.
Politics of privacy
The Politics of Privacy described in the following applies to all services of this website, as well as to the pages and services with which the Web is going to be expanded in the future.
Casas Rurales Cómpeta reserves the faculty of modifying these Politics of Privacy to keep them adapted to the current legislation concerning the protection of data. In those cases, Casas Rurales Cómpeta will announce on this website the introduced changes with a reasonable time in advance before implementing them. Access and navigation on this microsite imply the acceptation and knowledge of the legal advices, conditions and terms of use contained in it. In no case will Casas Rurales Cómpeta be responsible for losses, damage or hazards of any kind that may arise from the access and use of the aforementioned website.
The visit of this website does not imply any obligation on side of the users to facilitate any information about themselves. In case that the user facilitates any information of personal character, the data collected on this website will be treated in legal and lawful ways at all times subject to the principles and rights contained in the law “Ley Orgánica 15/1999 from December 13th, concerning the Protection of Data of Personal Character (LOPD), in the Royal Decree 1720/2007, from December 21st, whereby the regulation of development of the Organic Law is approved, as well as further such regulations. The content of our Politic of Privacy will help you understand what data we collect, what we do with them, and what your rights and our obligations are regarding the use and maintenance of the data kept away from unauthorized third parties.
According to Art. 5 of the LOPD, we inform you that any data provided by you will become part of the file "WEB CONTACT" whose owner is Casas Rurales Cómpeta, duly registered in the General Register of the Spanish Agency of Protection of data. The purpose of processing will be the administrative management of solicitudes and comments collected through the form on the website, as well as you are authorizing expressively Casas Rurales Cómpeta  the treatment of the aforementioned information given by you in order to send communication by any medium (postal or electronic) about the different estates offered by our company.  You will be able to exercise your rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose the mentioned data by sending writing to the above mentioned address with the requirements  documented in the Instrucción 1/2000, from December 1st, of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (Agencia  Española de Protección de Datos), related to exercising the mentioned rights, or by presenting yourself personally in our office proving your identity.
The personal data provided by users will be accurate and updated so that they will respond truthfully to the current situation of the affected. Therefore, the user will be responsible for the truth and accuracy of the personal data and  communicate any changes occurring to them in the future. Casas Rurales Cómpeta will proceed to cancel the personal  data collected when they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they have been collected or recorded. The cancellation will result in the blocking of the data, preserving them only available to public administrations, judges and courts, for the attention of potential liabilities arising from the treatment, during the prescribed period thereof. The prescribed deadline being met, we will proceed to delete your personal data.
Casas Rurales Cómpeta adopted all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and avoid their alteration, loss, or unauthorized access. The security level adopted is consistent with the nature of the personal data provided.
Casas Rurales Cómpeta makes every effort to avoid any errors in the contents that may appear on this microsite. Casas Rurales Cómpeta is not responsible for the contents, activities, products and services that can be viewed through electronic links (links) directly or indirectly through this microsite. Casas Rurales Cómpeta is not responsible for the contents thereof, of the processing of these data or possible illegalities committed in relation with such websites. Therefore, be aware that access to them is a decision that you as user have to make.
If for any reason Casas Rurales Cómpeta stops providing its services through Web definitively, we will proceed to the destruction of all data stored to maintain definitely the safety and suitability of the information provided.


Enjoy your holidays in our accommodations